Certified Career and Self Development Coach for people who know what it feels like to be the "only one" in the room.
You deserve to invest in yourself. I'm here to empower you to be more confident in leading and communicating, without losing yourself along the way.
​Corporate executive (JPMorgan Chase, Deloitte, Visa, Oracle, Autodesk) + Psychology background.
Blending practical business experience and science into coaching.
Expertise in:
Authentic Personal Branding
Leadership Development
Influence & Communication
Uncovering Purpose & Confidence
Over 700+ job interviews prepped & conducted
Empowering 26,000+ people in our community
Partners & Affiliations
76% of job seekers prioritize diversity when choosing employers (Glassdoor).
​Diverse management teams can boost revenue by a staggering 20% (BCG).
​​Inclusive teams turbocharge performance by up to 30% in diverse environments (Gartner).
As a first-generation immigrant, I have personally navigated the path to leadership and intimately understand the challenges faced by minorities and underrepresented communities in the workplace.
I incorporate my Psychology expertise and years of leadership experience with my clients to go beyond just understanding concepts.
For individuals, I will dig deep and partner with you to uncover the most impactful ways to grow your career without jeopardizing your values or sense of self. Click here for interest form.
For corporations and leaders, I've been in your shoes as a corporate leader and I also understand the hurdles your emerging leaders face. Through personalized and group coaching, I will harness their unique strengths, empowering them to become change makers and role models throughout your organization. Together, we'll fuel your organization and team's long-term success. Click here for interest form
Let's talk! If you want to learn more, feel free to explore my services and my experience.